01 May 2009

An Exploit: From the Kitchen to the Rig

My mom, I think, told me I should do a "kitchen to field" entry. At least until I get a kitchen again. Turns out that I will be living in apartments or double wide trailers for the next 3 months, at least. So, you'll be hearing a lot about rigs. Or maybe not a lot about them, because I have almost no time to myself. Right now, we are waiting and I should be studying, but who wants to study?

Anyway I am at my first job. It is a rig near Portland, TX. And it is ON the beach. Not sandy, but very nice, from my point of view. It was rather brown yesterday, because it was SO windy. Amazing coming from a Wyoming girl, right? I'm not complaining, it made it seem not so hot, but it made the bay kind of a nasty brown color.

Looking across the bay, to the north, I believe what I see is a refinery. Looked a little bit like Sinclair. Also, one of the gentlemen here told me that you could cross a bridge and go to a beach. I'll have to go explore if I get a chance.

My exploration last night took place fairly close to the rig. This is what I see about 30 yards from my "house".
These boards are very intriguing, I wonder what was out here.

And there's the rig. If you look carefully, you can see more of the bay behind the rig. the other pictures are looking off to the right.

This is my little perch. I can step down, and have a little seat and put my feet in the water.

The sand bar, it's only about 20 feet across. The rest of the beach is more clifflike.

My home for the next 2 weeks, or so.
Well, time to get back to studying. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. yayyy!!!! although i am a bit worried if you put your feet in that yucky yucky water...!
