28 August 2009

An Exploit: Social Events

Since I've been in Houston I've been very busy. I've made a lot of new friends, and had a lot of fun. Some of my new friends, having new adventures at bars, clubs, and the hotel pool:
The Bars

Sergio and Rodrigo

Rosalba and Mariel

Ivan and Deisy

Ma Jing and Taras

Eric, Me and Taras

Eric, Me, Igor, Taras

Latin Dancing
Igor, Sergio, Ivan, Laura, Wiena, Ma Jing, Me

EW! Yucky Tequila, Yucky Lime

Taras, Ivan, Me, Sergio, Igor
Laura, Sergio, Weina
Laura, our friend from the Drilling Engineer class, all the boys had crushes on her.
We had a lot of dancing pictures as well, but the boys all have girlfriends, and didn't want to get in trouble.
The Pool
Igor, Sergio and Rodrigo threw Rosalba in the pool, in her clothes.
Ivan, Laura, Taras, Sergio, Deisy, Eric, Igor, Alexander, Me, Rosalba
(here we have representatives from Colombia, Mexico, Ukraine, Peru, France, Russia and Venezuela)
Lots of good times, and I'm sure lots more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, dahling, simply gorgeous.
    Looks like you are having a fabulous time.
    I do have to say - bad choice on the issue of tequila....yucky is right.
