05 March 2011

Caramel Brownie Sundae

I had leftover batter from the chocolate cupcakes, so I made a round cake. It ended up looking rather like a brownie.

Also I have 6 jars of caramel leftover from my caramel sauce trials. So I had to make a sundae. A Caramel Brownie Sundae. It was amazing.

Caramel Brownie Sundae
1 piece of Brownie or Cake
2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream
Caramel Sauce
Maraschino Cherry juice

03 March 2011

Margarita Pizza

Today I made pizza for dinner, Margarita Pizza.

With fresh tomatoes, and fresh basil. And fresh Mozzarella.

It was amazing. I wish I could have eaten 5 more pieces.

Margarita Pizza
Pizza Dough for 1 pizza
4 T Olive Oil
1 t Minced Garlic
2 Tomatoes, sliced
¼- ½ c Basil leaves, coarsely chopped
1 c Fresh Mozzarella, sliced

Brush 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil on a baking pan and sprinkle with cornmeal.

Roll the pizza dough to fit the desired pan. Brush the remaining olive oil over the dough. Spread the garlic over the dough. Layer the tomatoes evenly around the crust. Sprinkle the basil over the tomatoes. Lay the cheese slices over the top, spaced evenly.

Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes, turning once to bake all sides evenly.

Transfer to a cutting board and allow the pizza to cool for 5 minutes before slicing and serving.

02 March 2011

Caramel Chocolate Cupcakes

Today I made cupcakes. Chocolate ones. Birthday ones. But I don’t know anyone who had a birthday. I made them because it’s the best ever chocolate cake recipe. Hershey’s Hot Water Devil’s Food Cake. It has been THE birthday cake in our family since before I can remember.

I also made THE birthday frosting. Hershey’s One Bowl Chocolate Buttercream Frosting. But today I made it with vanilla, instead of orange.

But the star of today’s show was the caramel. I used the caramel sauce from Annie’s Eats. I filled the cupcakes with the sauce. Then I drizzled it over the top to garnish. They turned out very pretty. And I have lots of left-over caramel for ice cream sundaes.

I ended up with two types of caramel because I didn’t let the first batch cook long enough. But it is still very good. Tastes like English toffee. The second batch was darker and had more of a caramel flavor. It’s what I used for the cupcakes.

Caramel Sauce:
½ c Unsalted Butter
1 c Sugar
1 c Heavy Cream
¼ t Vanilla
A pinch of Salt

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Add the sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar begins to foam and turn dark. It will look and smell like it’s on the verge of burning. Remove from the heat and add the heavy cream. Stir until the sauce is smooth (you may need to return it to the heat to smooth it out), then mix in the vanilla and salt. Let cool.

Source: Annie's Eats